Friday, July 21, 2006


How did our Peter continue to believe that Chris was telling him the truth when he assured his father "everything was taken care of?" What enormous hope Peter (and Joan) had that their son was telling them the truth and that he was being a good son... financially responsible and academically achieving. I know as a parent, I always wanted to believe that "Dave's parents were supervising the party and they would never allow alcohol;" and that "the teacher doesn't like me and that's why he gives me the lowest grades;" and that. "you know me, Mom and Dad, I would never smoke, take drugs, cheat, or have promiscuous sex." But, as a parent, what I wanted to believe and what I what I actually believed.. was determined by checking everything out. Because Peter didn't lie, he found it difficult to believe that his son lied.. (all of his life.) Because Peter didn't cheat, he found it impossible to really believe that his son would cheat his own parents. People who lie and cheat, expect others to lie and cheat. People who are honest with others, unfortunately believe others (especially their own son) would be honest with them. And, you can see what Peter was up against: A lying, cheating, psychopathic son... and, a wife who thought that son was incapable of doing wrong. A wife who took Chris' side all the time... in spite of her husband's growing concern over his son's mental health. A wife who refused to believe that she could have mothered a psychopath. Joan's husband had to "go it alone" when it came to reigning-in Christophher. He received no support from his wife when he was alive; and, now that he is dead at the hands of his son, his wife still believes that Christopher could do no wrong. Our Peter suffered as much in life as he did at his dying.


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